Plastikman Live 2004 (Kontrol), 2004
Cross-modal, sensory immersion software for live performance
Performed live by Richie Hawtin as Plastikman on June 4th, 2004 during MUTEK at Metropolis in Montréal, Canada
To mark the return of his Plastikman project after an absence of almost 10 years, Dr. Richie Hawtin chose MUTEK, an international festival dedicated to the promotion of electronic music and the digital arts for this exclusive presentation.
David Yann Robert, with direction from Richie Hawtin and Jarrett Smith collaborated on developing the performance software specifically for this event. The real-time audio/visual/venue lighting control composition system allowed Hawtin to [k]ontrol all aspects of the audiences' environment with the goal of creating complete, cross-modal, sensory immersion.
Plastikman performing live music, animated Rorscach inkblots and venue's lights
Platikman's custom CTRL surface. Hardware developed by Mick Hawtin to simultaneously perform audio/video/lighting parameters